How many of you set resolutions, intentions, or goals at some point this year but at some point said F it and blew them?
While I am a goal oriented person, let me tell you for all the goals I have set and crushed, there are probably double or triple the amount of ones that I didn’t complete.
So what makes some goals attainable and some unattainable?
Mindset- Getting in the correct mindset can literally be do or die when it comes to a goal.
In order to really make my goals I picture myself as though I have already accomplished them. I believe I have done it, and I allow myself to feel what that feels like.
If I am unable to do this, then more than likely I will not make my goal. If I can’t even believe it, then how can I achieve it?
Timing- Sometimes we can have all the best of intentions but the timing just is not right.
Trust me this can be a hard pill to swallow. Nobody wants to “fail” at something they want.
But maybe we have other lessons to learn or challenges to get past before we can be fully successful at something. Timing is everything and you may try the same goal 10x and finally reach it on the 11th which is why you also can never give up if it’s something that you know deep in your gut is what you want.
Failing is actually winning, because you are TRYING!
Trust – This is by far the biggest challenge for a sassy scorpio like myself. But trusting that’s what meant for you will always be yours and what isn’t will not be is by far the best advice in goal setting I could ever give you.
By going after what you want but making peace with the fact that it will only happen if it’s truly what’s meant to be, you literally can never lose.
Above all…. Remember January 1 means nothing, a spring start means nothing and Summer means nothing! You can start crushing your goals anytime. Why not start TODAY????
What’s meant for you will never miss you, so get out there and go for it!