Clean and Sassy is my new health and wellness group. Like its sister group “Sassy Soul Circle” it is also a small group of women who meet weekly to discuss different topics that inspire, motivate, and energize us. However Clean and Sassy is health and wellness focused. I will talk about things that create a healthy life, mind, body and soul. It is a support system and coaching meshed together. My intention for this group is to help get your mind right, in order to get your body where you want it to be. I will share books, resources, and tools that are my favorites in helping me live a life of wellness. Each group is special and will become more personalized as the week’s progress.
These are some examples of topics we will discuss: Finding a healthy way of life that works for you, Grace over guilt, Pushing beyond limiting beliefs, Having a healthy relationship with goals, Why saying NO is good for you, Listening to your body, How to overcome your excuses, Easy ways to incorporate healthy habits for your mind, body, and soul
The group is 8 women or less and offered 4 weeks at a time. Clean and sassy ladies will have access to a private Facebook and Instagram page as well so that you can stay connected with your Sassy Soul Sisters. You can stay in the group for as little as 4 weeks or as long as you please!
Contact Jaclyn to be the first to know when 2018 dates are released
Clean and Sassy Private Classes
Love the topics for Clean and sassy but you want them in a one on one setting?
You can schedule any of my Clean and sassy topics to discuss one on one with me in our own private session. Each class is 60 min. Think of it like a mini coaching session, but the topic is already set. The advantage of being in a one on one environment is the stage is yours. We will be able to discuss more in depth what this particular topic means to you, and how you can implement it in your own personal life.
Private Clean and Sassy classes with your own Circle
If you have a few friends who are interested in the same topic and doing it together, you can also book small groups of two to four people. This is also a great option if the clean and sassy times don’t work for your schedule, but you love sharing with others and have some women at work or your social circle that you think may be interested. This class would be based off the number of people in it. 2-3 people -75 minutes 4 people- 90 minutes
Contact Jaclyn for pricing and to plan your Clean and Sassy Circle